Tuesday, May 21, 2013


For my latest app on sinatra, I have decided to scrape restaurant menus in NYC and apply the inspection results. An issue I've had while applying the inspection results was that the file is really large, so it took a while to convert the file to ".json." BTW, the source for the data was provided by NYC Open Data. I'm still looking for another data file to super-impose with the inspection results to see if I get an interesting result that provides some kind of function. Who knows?... Been refreshing a little bit on ruby this weekend as well. To add more detail on the scraping lesson for future reference: my teacher Ashley invited Tom Levine to teach us about scraping. Just thought of using DSNY Collection Tonnage to super-impose with the inspection results. The two types of data have some degree of relevance to one another. Not sure exactly what yet, however.

Currently, I am satisfied with the apps I have, so I plan on leaving them alone (FOR NOW...). This will allow me to focus on the scraping app solely. I still feel uncomfortable with my skills and that's probably because I haven't immersed myself with the resources. I believe I'll get there eventually. Alright, going to end this post here.

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